Kamerkoor Next


Under the direction of conductor Fokko Oldenhuis, NEXT presents a sample of organ and choral music from the (mainly) French tradition of the 20th century. The program features work by David Briggs, who made a splash with organ transcriptions and notations of improvisations by the Parisian organist Pierre Cochereau. The organists Escaich and Hakim are now also leading as composers and build on great predecessors such as Duruflé and Lesur in their oeuvre.


Kamerkoor NEXT o.l.v. Fokko Oldenhuis

Dorien Schouten, organ



David Briggs (1962)                     

- Uit de Messe pour Notre-Dame      (koor en orgel)                                                   



Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986)

- Quatre motets voor koor                                                                                             

                  Ubi caritas et amor

                  Tota pulchra es

                  Tu es Petrus

                  Tantum ergo

- Orgelsolo

Thierry Escaich (1961)

- In Memoriam pour Duruflé (2002, choir and organ)

David Briggs

- Ubi caritas et amor (a capella)

- Prière à Notre-Dame (organ)                                

Daniel Lesur (1908-2002)

- Delen uit Cantique des cantiques (a capella)

Naji Hakim (1955)

- Messe Solenelle (2000, choir and organ)

Kyrie Gloria


foto: Joost Claerhoudt

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