Studium Chorale: Silent Steps


With 'Silent Steps', chamber choir Studium Chorale presents a program that focuses on a special listening experience. There is music that brings peace and balance. A speaker-poet will always introduce the atmosphere/interpretation of the pieces with his or her own words or with a poetic translation. The composition Silent Steps by Vincent Ghadimi with lyrics by Rabindrath Tagore was the starting point for this program. Endless time on a text by the same Tagore completes the circle.



Kamerkoor Studium Chorale conducted by Hans Leenders



Vincent Ghadimi (1968)

- Silent steps

James MacMillan (1959)

- Nothing in Vain

Elizabeth Poston (1905-1987)

- Jesus Christ the Apple Tree

Eriks Esenvalds (1977)

- The Heavens Flock

Bo Hansson (1950)

- Then I heard the singing

Arvo Pärt (1935)

- The Deers Cry

Ola Gjeilo (1978)

- Tota pulchra es

Kim André Arnesen (1980)

- Even when he is silent

John Tavener (1944-2013)

- Mother of God, here I stand

Hans Leenders (1965)

- Endless time



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