Theo Loevendie & Claron McFadden

In the Orgelpark we feel very honored that Theo Loevendie is coming to perform. Accompanied by an excellent cast including soprano Claron McFadden, the eminence grise of the Dutch jazz and composers guild plays and accompanies a program of standards. 




Claron McFadden, zang

Oene van Geel, viool en cajon

Theo Loevendie, piano, presentatie, muzikale leiding

Jeroen Vierdag, bas

Yoran Vroom, drums




Standard: Stella by Starlight       


Theo Loevendie (1930)

- A Ruined Gal (tekst Langston Hughes)

- WWW in W

- Timboektoe

- Finch Eye 

- Tamam


Duke Ellington (1899-1974)

- TTNT  


Standard: Autumn Leaves  


Duke Ellington (1899-1974)

- Take the A Train


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